Saturday, October 01, 2011

Recipe#7: Simple Maven Webapp in Eclipse

How to create a webapp using Maven, and run it on Jetty in Eclipse. This recipe creates an initial webapp that I want to use as playground for ExtJS 4.x. Requires that you already have Eclipse and Maven configured. Everything is done in the Eclipse IDE.

* Menu File > New > Other.
* Select a wizard: Maven > Maven Project [Next].
* Select project name and location: use default workspace location. [Next].
* Select an archetype: maven-archetype-webapp. [Next].
* Specify archetype parameters: Group Id {com.strive}, Artifact Id {extjs4-projects}, Version {0.1-SNAPSHOT}, Package {com.strive.extjs4projects}. [Finish].
* Create the Java sources directory (src/main/java) and set it as a source folder (right-click: Build Path > Use as Source Folder).
* Open the POM and update #name:{ExtJS4 Sample Projects}, remove #dependencies, #build/finalName:{extjs4}.
* Specify properties and plugins (compiler, surefire, war, and jetty) in the POM:


* Create a Jetty launch configuration to run the webapp in Eclipse: Run > Run configurations. Maven Build | New. Name {JettyRun}, browse workspace and select current project, Goals {jetty:run}. [Apply] then [Run].