Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 5:37:30 AM
Hello [Me],
I am so much sorry for the late response,My client just informed me that he the payment is on the way and you will be receiving today via UPS,here is the tracking number..8592 9053 2647.As soon as you receive it, i will want you to deposite it and have $2950 sent to my shipper via western union money transfer...
Here is the info you are to use....
Name:Tony Jones
Address: 10 Camp david street,
Test question: ?Customer Name
Answer:[full names]
You will get back to me with the payment information details from western union as soon as you have the payment sent.Please understand with me that I cant leave my things here behind.I have to make sure they are shipped prior to my departure.I will send you my flight intiney as soon as i have it done.
- There's a new character in the plot - Tony Jones.
- Who doesn't know that Camp David is a presidential residence in the US? Just a matter of interest that made me chuckle a little.
- Continued emphasis around the hook - as soon as you get the money, wire me the balance in liquid cash (Western Union).
- By this time, her contract is completed so she should be in full swing to travel out here.
I actually did check out the tracking number, except that it was a Fedex number rather than UPS as suggested. Here's how it looked:
Tracking number 859290532647Notice that the package comes from Florida. Assumptions = the sponsor/client is located in Ocala, FL.
Ship date Dec 28, 2006
Service type Priority Envelope
Tracking results as of Jan 1, 2007 12:36 PM CST
Date/Time Location/Activity
Dec 29, 2006 10:00 AM COLORADO SPRINGS, CO/At local FedEx facility
9:59 AM COLORADO SPRINGS, CO/Delivery exception
8:44 AM COLORADO SPRINGS, CO/At local FedEx facility
5:37 AM COLORADO SPRINGS, CO/At dest sort facility
4:04 AM MEMPHIS, TN/Departed FedEx location
12:06 AM MEMPHIS, TN/Arrived at FedEx location
Dec 28, 2006 7:01 PM OCALA, FL/Left origin
5:09 PM OCALA, FL/Picked up
Our response:
Thank you very much. I shall await your package, and will notify you when it arrives. Is there a phone number you can be reached at?
I have taken note of your Western Union particulars and will act on them reasonably. When do you anticipate on arriving in the US from Nigeria?
And who have you designated to come sign your lease papers?
= [Me]