Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sieve of Eratosthenes (Perl)

Followup to a previous Java implementation (that blogger botched), here is the Perl scriptage:

print "\n=======================\n";
print "=======================\n";
# Get the range
print "Minimum value of primes: ";
my $min = <STDIN>;
chomp $min;
print "Maximum value of primes: ";
my $max = <STDIN>;
chomp $max;
# Create a max-sized array
my @primes = (1...$max);
# Initially assume all numbers are prime
for($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
$primes[$i] = 1;
# The sieve
for ($i=2; $i*$i <= $max;$i+=1) {
if ($primes[$i]) {
for ($j=$i; $j*$i < $max; $j+=1) {
$primes[$i * $j] = 0;
# Show the results
my @p = ();
for ($i=$min; $i<=$max; $i++) {
if ($primes[$i]) {
push @p, $i;
$size = @p;
print qq(Found $size primes:\n@p\n);